Event Management System (EMS)

Event Planning Using the EMS Quick Guide

Butler University faculty, staff and students use the online Event Management System (EMS) to request spaces and services for successful execution of events and meetings. As you plan, keep in mind the basic process for requesting campus facilities:

  1. Determine where and when to host your event.
  2. Choose the appropriate available space, using the correct EMS Reservation Template.
  3. Input your event details & submit the request.
  4. Look for a confirmation via email from University Events, or check the status of your request under “My Events” in EMS.

For a complete overview of all EMS functions with screenshots, check out this EMS Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

Event Planning Using the EMS Quick Guide

Butler University faculty, staff and students use the online Event Management System (EMS) to request spaces and services for successful execution of events and meetings. As you plan, keep in mind the basic process for requesting campus facilities:

  1. Determine where and when to host your event.
  2. Choose the appropriate available space, using the correct EMS Reservation Template.
  3. Input your event details & submit the request.
  4. Look for a confirmation via email from University Events, or check the status of your request under “My Events” in EMS.

For a complete overview of all EMS functions with screenshots, check out this EMS Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.


Logging into EMS

You can access EMS through either any standard Internet browser or my.butler.edu

  1. Open an Internet browser session
  2. In the browser’s address field, enter the EMS URL: events.butler.edu/emswebapp/


  1. Visit “Calendar & Event Scheduling” section within My Butler

Logging into EMS

You can access EMS through either any standard Internet browser or my.butler.edu

  1. Open an Internet browser session
  2. In the browser’s address field, enter the EMS URL: events.butler.edu/emswebapp/


  1. Visit “Calendar & Event Scheduling” section within My Butler

Making a Reservation

There are several reservation templates available to students, faculty, and staff, depending on status, each of which facilitates the reservation process.

To create a reservation, click “book now” next to one of the request types from the Home Page, or click “Create a Reservation” and select one of the templates which apply to your needs. (For more information about each request type, click “About”).

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Booking a Room Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

Making a Reservation

There are several reservation templates available to students, faculty, and staff, depending on status, each of which facilitates the reservation process.

To create a reservation, click “book now” next to one of the request types from the Home Page, or click “Create a Reservation” and select one of the templates which apply to your needs. (For more information about each request type, click “About”).

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Booking a Room Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.


  1. The first step in creating your booking is “Rooms.” It is here that you will select the date, time, and room for your booking.
  2. Select a Date and Time: Simply enter your desired event date and time through the options on the left of the screen.
    **NOTE: for reoccurring events or meetings, select “Recurrence” to book each event under one reservation. (*This option is not available for study space requests.)
  3. Select a Room: You will have two options to select a room: the first is “Let Me Search for a Room;” the second is “I Know What Room I Want.”
    1. Let Me Search for a Room: this option will allow you to select the custom preferences for your booking space. There are several fields where you can narrow your search, and a pop-up will appear for each option allowing you to check your preferences. Once you click the search button, you will be able to view your choices in either a “List” or a “Schedule” format.
    2. I Know What Room I Want: this option will allow you to select the exact room you have in mind for your booking space. You will know if the room is available if a pull down with a green check mark appears below. Click on this and a pop-up will appear, allowing you to enter your intended set-up and number of attendees. Then click “Add Room”
  4. Once you have selected a room, click “Next Step.”
    1. Then choose “Services” for your booking(s). (*This option is not available for study space requests.) It is here that you will be able to request special services from BUPD, Catering, IT, and University Events. Club Sports resources are available under Club Sports requests.
      1. Selecting Services: If your event inquires a particular service in one of the above categories, simply click on the service needed. A pop up will then appear asking you to refine your request. After completing your details and “Special Instructions,” click “OK.” Your requested services will then appear to the right side of the screen under “Services Summary.”
      2. Important Note: Students, for certain services you will need to include your organization’s or club’s “Billing Reference Number.” The Student Involvement office should be able to provide this information to you.
      3. Once you have finished selecting your needed services, or if you don’t have any needed services, click “Next Step.”
  5. The final step in creating your booking is in “Reservation Details.” It is here that you will be asked to complete your “Event Details,” and “Group Details,” for study space requests. For other requests you will be asked for “Additional Information,” and pending on your request “Billing Information.” (This will only be required if you have inquired a service or room with associated fees.)
    1. Once you have filled out all of the necessary details, click “Create Reservation.”
    2. You will then be confirmed of the “Reservation Created,” and will be given two options: “Add to My Calendar” and “Edit My Reservation.”
      1. Add to My Calendar: This option will allow you to add the reservation to your Outlook or computer calendar.
      2. Edit This Reservation: This option will take you back into your reservation details and update any changes you may have realized you need to make.
      3. To skip these two options, click on the “Butler University” emblem to return to the home page.

Congratulations! Your reservation has been made! Your reservations will be visible on the home page under “My Events.”

**Special note RE: web conflict
If you request a room that has already been reserved in the EMS system, you will not receive a confirmation of space from UE. Instead, you will receive notice that the status of your booking will be listed as “WEB CONFLICT” and you are required to edit your reservation. A notification will appear upon completing your request that “one or more bookings are conflicted. Please edit the reservation to resolve.”


  1. The first step in creating your booking is “Rooms.” It is here that you will select the date, time, and room for your booking.
  2. Select a Date and Time: Simply enter your desired event date and time through the options on the left of the screen.
    **NOTE: for reoccurring events or meetings, select “Recurrence” to book each event under one reservation. (*This option is not available for study space requests.)
  3. Select a Room: You will have two options to select a room: the first is “Let Me Search for a Room;” the second is “I Know What Room I Want.”
    1. Let Me Search for a Room: this option will allow you to select the custom preferences for your booking space. There are several fields where you can narrow your search, and a pop-up will appear for each option allowing you to check your preferences. Once you click the search button, you will be able to view your choices in either a “List” or a “Schedule” format.
    2. I Know What Room I Want: this option will allow you to select the exact room you have in mind for your booking space. You will know if the room is available if a pull down with a green check mark appears below. Click on this and a pop-up will appear, allowing you to enter your intended set-up and number of attendees. Then click “Add Room”
  4. Once you have selected a room, click “Next Step.”
    1. Then choose “Services” for your booking(s). (*This option is not available for study space requests.) It is here that you will be able to request special services from BUPD, Catering, IT, and University Events. Club Sports resources are available under Club Sports requests.
      1. Selecting Services: If your event inquires a particular service in one of the above categories, simply click on the service needed. A pop up will then appear asking you to refine your request. After completing your details and “Special Instructions,” click “OK.” Your requested services will then appear to the right side of the screen under “Services Summary.”
      2. Important Note: Students, for certain services you will need to include your organization’s or club’s “Billing Reference Number.” The Student Involvement office should be able to provide this information to you.
      3. Once you have finished selecting your needed services, or if you don’t have any needed services, click “Next Step.”
  5. The final step in creating your booking is in “Reservation Details.” It is here that you will be asked to complete your “Event Details,” and “Group Details,” for study space requests. For other requests you will be asked for “Additional Information,” and pending on your request “Billing Information.” (This will only be required if you have inquired a service or room with associated fees.)
    1. Once you have filled out all of the necessary details, click “Create Reservation.”
    2. You will then be confirmed of the “Reservation Created,” and will be given two options: “Add to My Calendar” and “Edit My Reservation.”
      1. Add to My Calendar: This option will allow you to add the reservation to your Outlook or computer calendar.
      2. Edit This Reservation: This option will take you back into your reservation details and update any changes you may have realized you need to make.
      3. To skip these two options, click on the “Butler University” emblem to return to the home page.

Congratulations! Your reservation has been made! Your reservations will be visible on the home page under “My Events.”

**Special note RE: web conflict
If you request a room that has already been reserved in the EMS system, you will not receive a confirmation of space from UE. Instead, you will receive notice that the status of your booking will be listed as “WEB CONFLICT” and you are required to edit your reservation. A notification will appear upon completing your request that “one or more bookings are conflicted. Please edit the reservation to resolve.”

Requesting Services Only

To request services only:

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this “Request Services Only Quick Guide.” You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

  1. Choose the “Request Services Only” reservation template to request services for a location that is not managed in EMS by clicking on its “book now” button (for example, if you need an easel or laptop in your office).
    1. Building specific resources are only deployed to their assigned buildings.
  2. Enter your date and time criteria on the left pane of the page.
    1. Under Location Details, type in the location (*required).
  3. Click the blue “Next Step” botton.
  4. Select the particular service(s) from the listed categories.
    1. A pop-up will then appear requiring you to refine your request. Choose the number of individual resources by clicking on the “minus” or “plus” signs, and add “special instructions” as necessary.
    2. Click “OK”
    3. Your requested services will then appear to the right side of the screen under “Service Summary.”
  5. Once you have finished selecting all of your needed services, click “Next Step.”
  6. Complete the “Reservations Details” as prompted (event name, event type, etc.).
  7. In order to proceed, you must click on the “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.”
  8. Click “Create Reservation.”
  9. You will then receive an email confirmation of your request
    1. You may “Add to My Calendar” (this option will allow you to add the reservation to your Outlook or computer calendar) or,
    2. “Edit My Reservation” (This option will take you back to your reservation details and you may update or change your booking as necessary)
    3. To skip these two options, click on the “Butler University” emblem to return to the EMS home page
  10. Congratulations! Your reservation request for services has been made! Your reservation will be visible on the home page under “My Events.”

Requesting Services Only

To request services only:

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this “Request Services Only Quick Guide.” You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

  1. Choose the “Request Services Only” reservation template to request services for a location that is not managed in EMS by clicking on its “book now” button (for example, if you need an easel or laptop in your office).
    1. Building specific resources are only deployed to their assigned buildings.
  2. Enter your date and time criteria on the left pane of the page.
    1. Under Location Details, type in the location (*required).
  3. Click the blue “Next Step” botton.
  4. Select the particular service(s) from the listed categories.
    1. A pop-up will then appear requiring you to refine your request. Choose the number of individual resources by clicking on the “minus” or “plus” signs, and add “special instructions” as necessary.
    2. Click “OK”
    3. Your requested services will then appear to the right side of the screen under “Service Summary.”
  5. Once you have finished selecting all of your needed services, click “Next Step.”
  6. Complete the “Reservations Details” as prompted (event name, event type, etc.).
  7. In order to proceed, you must click on the “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.”
  8. Click “Create Reservation.”
  9. You will then receive an email confirmation of your request
    1. You may “Add to My Calendar” (this option will allow you to add the reservation to your Outlook or computer calendar) or,
    2. “Edit My Reservation” (This option will take you back to your reservation details and you may update or change your booking as necessary)
    3. To skip these two options, click on the “Butler University” emblem to return to the EMS home page
  10. Congratulations! Your reservation request for services has been made! Your reservation will be visible on the home page under “My Events.”

Submitting an Off-Campus Event

Submitting an off-campus event allows you to schedule events that are not held on Butler’s campus, that require no resources, that you would like to advertise on the Butler University events calendar.

Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this “Submitting an Off-Campus Event Quick Guide.” You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

  1. Choose the “Submit an Off-Campus” reservation template.
  2. Enter your date and time criteria on the left pane of the page.
    1. ​Under Location Details, type in the location (*required).
  3. ​Click the blue “Next Step” botton.
  4. Service(s) are not applicable for off-campus events, so please proceed by clicking the blue “Next Step” button.
  5. Complete the “Reservations Details” as prompted (event name, event type, etc.).
  6. In order to proceed, you must click on the “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.”
  7. Click “Create Reservation.”
    1. You may “Add to My Calendar” (this option will allow you to add the reservation to your Outlook or computer calendar) or,
    2. “Edit My Reservation” (This option will take you back to your reservation details and you may update or change your booking as necessary)
    3. To skip these two options, click on the “Butler University” emblem to return to the EMS home page
  8. Congratulations! Your reservation request for services has been made and is automatically “web confirmed!” Your reservation will be visible on the EMS home page under “My Events.”

Submitting an Off-Campus Event

Submitting an off-campus event allows you to schedule events that are not held on Butler’s campus, that require no resources, that you would like to advertise on the Butler University events calendar.

Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this “Submitting an Off-Campus Event Quick Guide.” You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

  1. Choose the “Submit an Off-Campus” reservation template.
  2. Enter your date and time criteria on the left pane of the page.
    1. ​Under Location Details, type in the location (*required).
  3. ​Click the blue “Next Step” botton.
  4. Service(s) are not applicable for off-campus events, so please proceed by clicking the blue “Next Step” button.
  5. Complete the “Reservations Details” as prompted (event name, event type, etc.).
  6. In order to proceed, you must click on the “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.”
  7. Click “Create Reservation.”
    1. You may “Add to My Calendar” (this option will allow you to add the reservation to your Outlook or computer calendar) or,
    2. “Edit My Reservation” (This option will take you back to your reservation details and you may update or change your booking as necessary)
    3. To skip these two options, click on the “Butler University” emblem to return to the EMS home page
  8. Congratulations! Your reservation request for services has been made and is automatically “web confirmed!” Your reservation will be visible on the EMS home page under “My Events.”

Managing Your Bookings: Viewing, Editing, and Cancelling Requests

The “My Events” menu option allows you to manage all of your current bookings.

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Managing Your Booking(s) Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.


  1. To manage your current bookings, begin by clicking “My Events” in the navigation menu to the left of the screen.
  2. Under “Reservations” and “Current” you will be able to see a list of your personal bookings. To edit one of these bookings, click on the title of the reservation.
  3. Once you click on the reservation, you will have several options. You can manage “Reservation Details,” view “Reservation Tasks,” or you can look at “Bookings.”
    1. To edit “Reservation Details” click the pencil icon located below the title of the section.
    2. Under “Reservation Tasks” you will be able to Cancel Reservations, View Reservation Summaries, Send Invitations, and Add to Your Calendar.
      1. Cancel Reservations: click on “Cancel Reservation.” You will then be prompted with a pop-up asking for your cancellation reasoning and confirmation of “Yes, Cancel Reservation.”
      2. View Reservation Summary: this option will allow you to see the confirmation of your request.
      3. Send Invitation: this option will allow you to invite others to your event. Click “Send Invitation.” A pop-up will prompt you to enter the email address of your invited friends. Then click “OK.”
      4. Add to My Calendar: This option will allow you to add the reservation to your Outlook or computer calendar.
    3. Under “Bookings” you can cancel reservations, edit “Attendance” and “Set-Up Type,” as well as view the “Status” of your reservation.

Managing Your Bookings: Viewing, Editing, and Cancelling Requests

The “My Events” menu option allows you to manage all of your current bookings.

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Managing Your Booking(s) Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.


  1. To manage your current bookings, begin by clicking “My Events” in the navigation menu to the left of the screen.
  2. Under “Reservations” and “Current” you will be able to see a list of your personal bookings. To edit one of these bookings, click on the title of the reservation.
  3. Once you click on the reservation, you will have several options. You can manage “Reservation Details,” view “Reservation Tasks,” or you can look at “Bookings.”
    1. To edit “Reservation Details” click the pencil icon located below the title of the section.
    2. Under “Reservation Tasks” you will be able to Cancel Reservations, View Reservation Summaries, Send Invitations, and Add to Your Calendar.
      1. Cancel Reservations: click on “Cancel Reservation.” You will then be prompted with a pop-up asking for your cancellation reasoning and confirmation of “Yes, Cancel Reservation.”
      2. View Reservation Summary: this option will allow you to see the confirmation of your request.
      3. Send Invitation: this option will allow you to invite others to your event. Click “Send Invitation.” A pop-up will prompt you to enter the email address of your invited friends. Then click “OK.”
      4. Add to My Calendar: This option will allow you to add the reservation to your Outlook or computer calendar.
    3. Under “Bookings” you can cancel reservations, edit “Attendance” and “Set-Up Type,” as well as view the “Status” of your reservation.

Using EMS on a Mobile Device

If you can access EMS from your mobile device, then you can make simple reservations in EMS and/or cancel one or bookings for a reservation in EMS.

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Using VEMS on a Mobile Device Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

To make or cancel reservations in EMS from your mobile phone

  1. Open an Internet browser session within your mobile device.
  2. In the browser’s address field, enter the VEMS URL: http://events.butler.edu/virtualems. Remember to add this URL to your favorites in your preferred Web browser.
  3. Log in to VEMS using your Butler username and password. This page lists My Reservations, Book an Event, and Speed Book options.
  4. View the My Reservations page in order to view events or to cancel them.
  5. Click the needed Room Request option to open its template and make reservations as needed. To move between the various pages of a template (equivalent to tabs in EMS), click the Next and Previous buttons in the lower right corner of the template.

Using EMS on a Mobile Device

If you can access EMS from your mobile device, then you can make simple reservations in EMS and/or cancel one or bookings for a reservation in EMS.

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Using VEMS on a Mobile Device Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

To make or cancel reservations in EMS from your mobile phone

  1. Open an Internet browser session within your mobile device.
  2. In the browser’s address field, enter the VEMS URL: http://events.butler.edu/virtualems. Remember to add this URL to your favorites in your preferred Web browser.
  3. Log in to VEMS using your Butler username and password. This page lists My Reservations, Book an Event, and Speed Book options.
  4. View the My Reservations page in order to view events or to cancel them.
  5. Click the needed Room Request option to open its template and make reservations as needed. To move between the various pages of a template (equivalent to tabs in EMS), click the Next and Previous buttons in the lower right corner of the template.

Setting Default Values for Room Requests

The My Account menu contains options for setting some default values (Start Time, End Time, and so on) for the different types of room requests. In doing this, any time you select this room during the request process on the Reservations menu, the default values that you enter here are automatically displayed when the Room Request page opens.

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Setting Default Values for Room Requests Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

To set default values for room requests

  1. Under My Account, click User Options. The User Personalization page opens. The Personalize tab is the active tab.
  2. Select the room request process, either Book an Event or Speed Book, for which you want to set the default values. The tab is refreshed with a list of options for the room request for which you can set default values.
  3. Set the default values as needed for any and all of the displayed options, and then click Save Preferences.

Setting Default Values for Room Requests

The My Account menu contains options for setting some default values (Start Time, End Time, and so on) for the different types of room requests. In doing this, any time you select this room during the request process on the Reservations menu, the default values that you enter here are automatically displayed when the Room Request page opens.

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Setting Default Values for Room Requests Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

To set default values for room requests

  1. Under My Account, click User Options. The User Personalization page opens. The Personalize tab is the active tab.
  2. Select the room request process, either Book an Event or Speed Book, for which you want to set the default values. The tab is refreshed with a list of options for the room request for which you can set default values.
  3. Set the default values as needed for any and all of the displayed options, and then click Save Preferences.

Creating a List of Favorite Rooms

You can create a list of favorite rooms that can be searched for availability when you are creating a room request. This list of favorites is displayed in “Your Saved Favorite Rooms.”

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Creating a List of Favorite Rooms Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

To create a list of favorite rooms

  1. From the home page of EMS, click on your name icon in the top right corner of the screen. Then click “My Account” in the drop down menu.
  2. Once on your account page, click the tab labeled “My Favorite Rooms.”
  3. Here you can “Add a New Favorite Room” or view “Your Saved Favorite Rooms.”
  4. To “Add a New Favorite Room” search for the room directly in the search box by number or name.
    1. To refine your search, use the “Filter By Location” button to only search in certain buildings. A pop up will come to allow you to select a number of buildings. Once you have added buildings, click “Update Locations.”
  5. Once you have found the room you would like click on it, and it will be added to a list under “Your Saved Favorite Rooms.”

Creating a List of Favorite Rooms

You can create a list of favorite rooms that can be searched for availability when you are creating a room request. This list of favorites is displayed in “Your Saved Favorite Rooms.”

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Creating a List of Favorite Rooms Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

To create a list of favorite rooms

  1. From the home page of EMS, click on your name icon in the top right corner of the screen. Then click “My Account” in the drop down menu.
  2. Once on your account page, click the tab labeled “My Favorite Rooms.”
  3. Here you can “Add a New Favorite Room” or view “Your Saved Favorite Rooms.”
  4. To “Add a New Favorite Room” search for the room directly in the search box by number or name.
    1. To refine your search, use the “Filter By Location” button to only search in certain buildings. A pop up will come to allow you to select a number of buildings. Once you have added buildings, click “Update Locations.”
  5. Once you have found the room you would like click on it, and it will be added to a list under “Your Saved Favorite Rooms.”

Browsing EMS

The Browse menu allows you to see a calendar of events, a list of different facilities, and grid of available rooms and times.

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Browsing EMS Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

To browse events, Locations, People and Groups

  1. To browse events, locations, people and groups, find “Browse” in the navigation menu to the left side of the screen. You can then click “Events” or “Locations.”
  2. By clicking “Events” you will be able to see a list view of all of the events happening on campus. The default view allows you to see events by date, but you can add “Filters” to refine your view of events.
  3. By clicking “Locations” you will be able to see a grid view of all of the events happening on campus in order of the campus space. To refine the search from the default view, you may add “Filters” or “Search” for specific rooms on campus.

Browsing EMS

The Browse menu allows you to see a calendar of events, a list of different facilities, and grid of available rooms and times.

For a complete overview of this function with screenshots, check out this Browsing EMS Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

To browse events, Locations, People and Groups

  1. To browse events, locations, people and groups, find “Browse” in the navigation menu to the left side of the screen. You can then click “Events” or “Locations.”
  2. By clicking “Events” you will be able to see a list view of all of the events happening on campus. The default view allows you to see events by date, but you can add “Filters” to refine your view of events.
  3. By clicking “Locations” you will be able to see a grid view of all of the events happening on campus in order of the campus space. To refine the search from the default view, you may add “Filters” or “Search” for specific rooms on campus.

Student Organization and Greek Life EMS Quick Guide

For a complete overview of all EMS functions with screenshots, check out this EMS Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

For more information and guidelines as they relate to reservering space and hosting campus events, please visit the Student Involvement website.

Student Organization and Greek Life EMS Quick Guide

For a complete overview of all EMS functions with screenshots, check out this EMS Quick Guide. You can download this manual onto your computer for easy access.

For more information and guidelines as they relate to reservering space and hosting campus events, please visit the Student Involvement website.